Support Services Enhancement

Obridge has been working on brand new initiatives to further support our students of all learning differences.

Many private schools that are not funded by public state or federal funds are unable to offer much needed student support. Obridge Academy is dedicated to a personalized experience for all of our students, so we are now offering a Support Services Enhancement Package (see below for details) for our students with a documented need for support. The package includes the following services:

  1. Review of IEP, Psychological Evaluation, 504 Plan, doctor’s note, or other documentation from a healthcare provider
  2. Specialized advisement focusing on accommodations/modifications
  3. Progress monitoring, academic intervention as needed
  4. Personalized Academic Success Plan (including academic enhancements for specified areas of interest)
  5. Live orientation session and tutorial for using Blackboard features (i.e., video captioning)
  6. Enrollment in our Blackboard Accommodation Station, for information on accommodations, academic support, socialization and resource sharing
  7. Access to Obridge’s exclusive VTA (Virtual Testing Accommodations, trademark pending) services (tests read, proctoring, content clarification, scribe)
  8. Recommendations for assistive technology
  9. Phone counseling referrals for non-academic concerns

If you are interested in receiving these services, or if you would like more information, please contact Semajh Bludson in Student Services at or 516-864-4581.

Student Support Services Enhancement Package