Ills and Frills: how to save money while reassessing the frills and ‘ills’ of education
Ills and Frills: how to save money while reassessing the frills and ‘ills’ of education It is hard to imagine how much time students spend—waste—each day in school. Many ......
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills Recently—actually, for a long time—I have been thinking about the necessary skills for economic survival and well being in the 21st century. I have also thought, on ......
Improvements and Updates at Obridge Academy
At Obridge Academy, we are constantly thinking of ways to improve instruction and resultant student learning. A significant part of improving learning and the overall educational experience is the Learning ......
Q&A With Obridge Academy Head of School
Each Wednesday at 11am Obridge Academy's Head of School conducts a Q&A with new and existing students to provide an orientation and answer questions. Join us each week to meet ......
Google Community for Students & Parents
Join our online Google Community for parents and students here: This community offers a place for you and your family to participate in online learning interaction with other students ......