Let’s hear it for boredom! (and creativity)


When I first read the claim in an article that ‘boredom breeds creativity,’ I was fascinated. I wish I had known this when I was young and bored, and my mother told me: “Find something constructive to do.” Whoever would have imagined that what my mother thought was malaise could actually be productive? Certainly not my mother and certainly not me, at least until I started thinking about it, when I was bored! ‘New Tech City,’ a radio program in New York, issued a challenge, the “Bored and Brilliant Project: Delete that App.” ‘New Tech City’ highlights trends and emerging technology ......

Let’s hear it for boredom! (and creativity)2015-05-14T13:45:17-04:00

Happiness and Education


I read an article last week about happiness and education. At first, I thought it must be just one more alarm sounded to scare people into not dropping out of high school, or college. Then, I thought, people who are going to drop out probably don’t read articles stuffed with statistics about education anyway. They just drop out. But according to the article, and many others that I found, people with more education are happier. I will explain and add some of my own thoughts. For years, we have been led to believe that money makes us happy. Of course, money ......

Happiness and Education2015-05-01T00:16:21-04:00

Flying and Fishing: Thinking about Nothing


Fishing is King of the World of Leisure. It is a great excuse to do Nothing. Unlike other sedentary activities, where you might see the sitter with book in hand, you will never see an angler reading. He might stare blankly into the water; he might daydream; he might talk to a friend to pass the time; perhaps he will mutter to himself about not catching anything. In an honest moment, he will admit that catching something really doesn’t matter. It is the act of fishing, the act of doing nothing. I remember seeing a bumper sticker that said “A bad ......

Flying and Fishing: Thinking about Nothing2015-03-29T22:36:00-04:00

Personalized Learning (PL)


I have always wondered why, after all these years, schools have not been able to break free of the shackles of the factory model. The Factory School was developed in the 19th century and has survived wars, computer revolutions and other societal transformations. The Factory School has characterized public education, and even most private education, since public education began in the United States. The factory school is regulated by bells, students sitting in rows ‘learning’ the same things at the same time and teachers often seeing more than 100 students per day. School buildings were designed to accommodate the model and ......

Personalized Learning (PL)2015-02-27T15:38:18-05:00

Ills and Frills: how to save money while reassessing the frills and ‘ills’ of education


Ills and Frills: how to save money while reassessing the frills and ‘ills’ of education       It is hard to imagine how much time students spend—waste—each day in school. Many schools, unable to fill up student schedules with meaningful classes or activities, place them in ‘study halls,’ which are really holding pens with an academic sounding name. This foolishness is not the fault of the schools or students necessarily, but of tight budgets and a cadre of unimaginative administrators, forced to act more like assembly line managers than thoughtful educators. Tight budgets, often the result of unsupported mandates made by well-meaning ......

Ills and Frills: how to save money while reassessing the frills and ‘ills’ of education2015-02-16T18:24:10-05:00

21st Century Skills


21st Century Skills Recently—actually, for a long time—I have been thinking about the necessary skills for economic survival and well being in the 21st century. I have also thought, on more than one occasion, whether business interests should dictate the curriculum in schools. (More on that later.) Defining the skills depends on who is doing the defining, of course, whether it is a business, a school board in Alaska, or a parent group tired of standardized tests. In general, the skills have been separated from the curriculum; they receive attention after the fact, that is, after the curriculum has been established. ......

21st Century Skills2015-02-02T17:35:43-05:00

Improvements and Updates at Obridge Academy


At Obridge Academy, we are constantly thinking of ways to improve instruction and resultant student learning. A significant part of improving learning and the overall educational experience is the Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS is the system that allows online learning to take place. Until now, Obridge students have been using the iStudy, or the eLearning LMS. Beginning at the end of this school year we will be using Blackboard as our LMS. Blackboard is recognized throughout the educational world as the best LMS; it is used all over the world in colleges, learning centers and schools, both for dedicated ......

Improvements and Updates at Obridge Academy2014-05-29T17:29:00-04:00

Q&A With Obridge Academy Head of School


Each Wednesday at 11am Obridge Academy's Head of School conducts a Q&A with new and existing students to provide an orientation and answer questions. Join us each week to meet a new student or connect with fellow students. The meeting is open to all existing students, parents, and teachers.  If you are part of the Obridge Academy family, join us at this time!  

Q&A With Obridge Academy Head of School2014-05-16T16:14:50-04:00

Google Community for Students & Parents


Join our online Google Community for parents and students here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110372859748543834780 This community offers a place for you and your family to participate in online learning interaction with other students from Obridge Academy. Stay tuned, more information will be posted to this site as more people participate.

Google Community for Students & Parents2014-05-02T15:36:43-04:00



We hear daily from parents who have had enough. They have had enough of their kids being pushed or abused verbally, picked on or insulted. In most cases a school district is helpless, or cannot help, or perhaps for other reasons, does not help. Bullying can be a complex topic, and it takes courage to overcome it at every level. At Obridge Academy, we look at films like Bully and we are shocked with the rest of the nation of what humans are capable of doing to each other. There is a solution. Send your child to an online school. It ......

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