College Credit
Obridge Academy, in partnership with St. Joseph’s College, is happy to offer these three courses for college credit. College courses are more demanding than high school courses, but the rewards can also be greater. In the comfort of your own home, or favorite café, you can learn a new language, listen to the greats of western music, or improve your writing and critical reading skills.
Most colleges accept transfer credits and these three courses could be your introduction to your college career. (You should always check with the college you hope to attend to make sure they will accept credits from other institutions.)
English Composition
English Composition focuses on persuasion and argument that is research supported. This includes the process of locating and evaluating sources, documenting, and integrating source material into your text. In this course you will use argument to both inquire and persuade. Both argument and research are presented in the context of critical reading and writing. |
Music Appreciation
Students have heard music surrounding them all of their lives and are moved by it but rarely have the opportunity to focus on it and explore what it is that makes it work. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the world of music and the elements that are used to communicate to listeners. |
Mandarin Chinese 1
The World of Mandarin Chinese is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Chinese. All the skills necessary to speak and understand the Chinese language and contemporary culture will be taught in an online environment. In addition to learning to speak, students will learn to read and writer simplified Chinese characters. |