Introduction to Computer Applications is designed to familiarize students with computers and their applications. It will also emphasize the use of computers and technology throughout their middle school, high school, college, and future careers. Students will learn fundamental concepts of computer hardware and software and become familiar with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and multimedia presentations. Students will also investigate Internet-based applications, working with email and learning how to browse the web.
Ch.1 – Computer Basics
Ch.2 – Applications
Ch.3 – Input
Ch.4 – Processing
Ch.5 – Output
Ch.6 – Storage
Ch.7 – Computer to Computer
Ch.8 – System Software
Ch.9 – Programming
Ch.10 – What You See
Ch.11 – Hands On
Ch.12 – On Your Own
As result of this class students should know that computers are being used in huge numbers by senior citizens and other non-business users. They should be reassured that anyone can learn computers. They should come away from this first course with the understanding of how to use the mouse and keyboard. That will reinforce the skills they are learning that will allow them to surf the Net.